Publications Internationales

Revues à comité de lecture

Seigneuric, A. Megherbi, H., Bueno, S., Lebahar, J. & Bianco, M. (2016). Children's comprehension skill and the understanding of nominal metaphors.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 150, 346-363.

Colé, P., Sénéchal, M.,  Bianco, M., Megherbi, H. (2015). Current Issues in reading Comprehension, Special Issue in L’année Psychologique/Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 114(4).

Ouvrages ou chapitres d’ouvrage

Dascalu, M., Dessus, P., Bianco, M., Trausan-Matu, S. & Nardy, A. (2014). Mining texts, learners productions and strategies with ReaderBench. In A. Pena-Ayala (Ed.), Educational Data Mining: Applications and Trends. New York: Springer, SCI 524. [Document]

Communications (conférences)

Colloques avec sélection sur articles

Dascalu, M., Dessus, P., Trausan-Matu, S., Bianco, M., & Nardy, A. (2013). ReaderBench, an environment for analyzing text complexity and reading strategies. In H. C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow & P. Pavlik (Eds.), 16th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2013) (Vol. LNAI 7926). Berlin: Springer. [Document]

Dascalu, M., Dessus, P., Bianco, M. & Trausan-Matu, S. (2014, 5-9 June). Are automatically identified reading strategies reliable predictors of comprehension? In S. Trausan-Matu & E. Boyer (Eds.),
12th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014). Honolulu (HI), USA.

Dessus, P., Bianco, M., Nardy, A., Toffa, F., Dascalu, M., & Trausan-Matu, S. (2012). Automated analysis of pupils' self-explanations of a narrative text. In E. de Vries & K. Scheiter (Eds.),
Staging knowledge and experience, Meeting of the EARLI SIG 2 "Comprehension of Text and Graphics" (pp. 52–54). Grenoble: LSE, Pierre-Mendès-France university. [Document]

Megherbi, H., Seigneuric, A., Bianco, M. Colé, P., & Bueno, S. (2013). The contribution of different forms of pronouns to reading comprehension in French-speaking children.
23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Valencia, Spain, July 16th-18th. [Document]

Communications sans sélection sur articles

Bianco, M., Nardy, A., Toffa, F. & Rémond, M. (2012) Reading comprehension strategies from 8 to 11 years old children: what develops? Paper presented at the Society for scientific study of reading, Montréal, July 11-14. [Document]

Bianco, M., Joet, G., Lima, L, Nardy, A., Colé, P. & Megherbi, H. (2013). Text reading fluency and reading comprehension in 8 to 11 years old French children.
20th annual conference of the society for scientific studies of reading, Hong Kong 10-13th july. [Document]

Colé., P., Sprenger-Charolles, L., Joët, G., Nardy, A., Bianco, M. & Megherbi, H. (2013). Morphological knowledge and reading comprehension in 3rd to 5th French graders,
11th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics - Tenerife, March 20th-23rd. [Document]

Dessus, P., Bianco, M., Dascalu, M., Pernin, J.-P., & Trausan-Matu, S. (2013). Toward an environmental and intentional approach of Learning Design.
Paper presented at the Alpine Rendez-Vous Workshop on Teacher-Led Inquiry and Learning Design, Villard-de-Lans. [Document]

Lima, L., Bianco, M., Joet, G., Nardy, A., Colé, P., & Megherbi, H. (2014, april). Differences in the Components and Relations of a Multidimensional Model of Reading Comprehension in Low and Average 8- to 11-Year-Old French Readers. P
aper presented at the AERA Annual Meeting: “The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy”, Philadelphia. [Document]

Megherbi, H., Seigneuric, A., Bianco, M., Colé, P., & Bueno, S. (2013). Contribution of pronoun resolution to reading comprehension in French children.
11th Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, March 20th-23rd.

Rocher, T., Nardy, A., Bianco, M. & Bressoux, P. (2013). Test dimensionality assessment: a general approach based on the use of complementary statistical methods,
World Congress of Statistics, Hong Kong, 25-30 août 2013

Seigneuric, A., Megherbi, H., Bueno, S., Bianco, M., Colé, P., Nardy, A., Rocher, T. (2014). Understanding nominal metaphors in good and poor comprehenders.
Conference of the Society of Scientific Studies of Reading, Santa Fé, New Mexico, July 17-20.

Publications nationales

Revues à comité de lecture

Bianco, M., Dessus, P., Nardy, A., Rémond, M., Lima, L., Dascalu, M., Oprescu, B. & Trausan-Matu, S. (2013). Evaluer automatiquement les auto-explications lors de la lecture d'élèves de Cycle 3 avec ReaderBench. Revue A.N.A.E, 123, 149–155. [Document]

Oprescu, B., Dascalu, M., Trausan-Matu, S., Dessus, P., & Bianco, M. (2014). Automated assessment of paraphrases in pupil's self-explanations.
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C, 76(1), 31–44. [Document]

Oprescu, B., Dascalu, M., Trausan-Matu, S., Rebedea, T., Dessus, P., & Bianco, M. (2012). Analiza automata a auto-explicatiilor.
Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator, 5(2), 71–76.

Ouvrages ou chapitres d’ouvrages

Nardy, A., Bianco, M., Toffa, F., Rémond, M. & Dessus, P. (à paraître). Contrôle et régulation de la compréhension : l’acquisition de stratégies de 8 à 11 ans. In J. David & C. Royer (eds). L’apprentissage de la lecture : convergences, innovations, perspectives. Bern- Paris, Peter Lang.

Communications (conférences)

Bianco, M., Joët, G., Lima, L ., Nardy, A., Rocher, T., Colé, P. & Megherbi, H. (2013). Evaluer la compréhension en lecture au cycle 3. Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Lyon, 11-13 septembre. [Document]

Dascalu, M., Dessus, P., Bianco, M., Loiseau, M., & Trausan-Matu, S. (2013). L'apport du TAL dans des environnements favorisant l'apprentissage auto-régulé.
Paper presented at the Journée EIAH&IA, jointe à la 6e Conférence EIAH 2013, Toulouse. [Document]

Dascalu, M., Trausan-Matu, S., Dessus, P., Bianco M., & Nardy, A. (2013, 2-4 Sept.). ReaderBench, o platforma integrata pentru analiza complexitatii textuale si a strategiilor de lectura.
Proc. 10-a Conferinta Nationala de Interactiune Om-Calculator (RoCHI 2013). Cluj (Romania).

Dessus, P., Bianco, M., Dascalu, M., & Trausan-Matu, S. (2013, 9-10 sept.). Boucles, écarts et contradictions : Trois objets pour concevoir et utiliser des EPA.
Symposium "Les environnements personnels d'apprentissage" du Colloque Réseau Education Formation (REF 2013). Genève : Université de Genève.

Megherbi, H., Seigneuric, A., Bianco, M. Colé, P., & Bueno, S. (2013, 11-13 septembre). Compréhension de la métaphore chez des enfants bons et faibles compreneurs. Symposium sur la Compréhension de textes chez l'enfant.
55e Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Lyon.

Nardy, A., Toffa, F. & Bianco, M. (2011, 15-16 décembre) Développement des stratégies de compréhension au cycle 3.
Colloque « l’apprentissage de la lecture, convergences, innovations, perspectives », Université Cergy-Pontoise.